already more than 210 investors

Extensions: Just a few more days to become an anod shareholder!

Register on the waiting list to have priority access to the opening of our capital and transform the bicycle industry together.
Join the adventure by becoming a shareholder of Anod, from €1000.

“anod, the French hybrid VAE with unique technical solutions”

Take part in the adventure

Created in 2022, anod offers the first hybrid electric bike .

The bike has a battery 5 times smaller than those on the market, and can be used without a battery while still offering assistance, thanks to energy recovery technologies inspired by hybrid cars and the use of supercapacitors .

The company is divided between Paris and Vendée, where our bikes are designed, produced and assembled .

TAKE PART in anod

You acquire shares in our company, which you can resell with a capital gain in a few years

Invest in reality

Unlike market finance, you know where your money is going and what it is used for

Tax-free your investment

You can deduct up to 50% of your investment in Anod on your Income Tax


Our investors talk about us


“Anod introduces revolutionary and innovative technology. This innovation merges the best of the traditional bicycle and the battery-powered electric bicycle.”

Ludovic Huon

Photovoltaic engineer -YOUNERGY

“I had the chance to try the prototype and I was amazed.
As a young engineer entering my thirties engaged in the search for innovative and impactful opportunities, I bet on Anod."

Marc Pasquier


“When you have spent a large part of your professional life in innovation and production, it is difficult to resist the opportunity to support a great project like that of Anod.
Indeed, Anod ticks all the boxes of a solid and exciting project."


anod in a few figures

  • A 9.7 billion euro market in Europe that continues to grow
  • 7 years of R&D for patented technologies
  • 100% Made in France system
  • More than 1200 bike test requests
  • 27 specialized and general press articles



Which focuses as much on aesthetics as on user experience and sustainability.

Anod is distinguished by a strong and careful brand, elaborate marketing, as well as carefully chosen showrooms and distributors, guaranteeing a customer experience that matches the product.

our partner

Why Sowefund?

Sowefund is the leading French participatory investment platform, it allows you to invest in complete security. The company SOWEFUND is a European crowdfunding service provider approved by the Financial Markets Authority (AMF).

how to invest?

1. Registration

Today, reserve your spot on the waiting list to become an anod shareholder.
- Click on “Reserve my place”
- Fill in your information
- That's it!
Note: your investment intention does not commit you to invest.

the team

Anod team

Arnaud Malrin, Co-founder & CEO :
Passionate about cycling, Arnaud has created several companies in the luxury art sector.

Christophe Malrin, Co-founder & President :
Christophe created the Exxelia group and managed the electronic group Eolane. He brings his experience in industry and electronics.

Laurent Gicquel , Technical Director :
Laurent led the R&D teams for electric and hybrid engines and systems at PSA. He has been working on the development of the engine for 7 years.

Antoine Granet, Marketing & Customer Experience Director :
Expert in digital and new product creation, Antoine has worked in different media and startups.

As well as Benoit, Simon, Jérémy, Edgar, Thibault...

Local development

Made in Pays de Loire

100% of the design is carried out in France, as is the manufacturing of our technologies: motor, electronics, battery.

The final assembly is in Vendée.

Questions about our investment campaign?

Participatory financing or crowdfunding in English allows anyone to support a business project they believe in. In exchange for their investment, participants become shareholders of the company by receiving shares. In the case of an IPO, a buyout (at a higher valuation) or a new fundraising, investors will make profits. On the other hand, a risk of partial or total loss of the investment also exists in the event of a loss of value of the company.

By investing, you become a shareholder of the company, a “co-owner” in a way. If the company is sold or if it goes public, you will be able to recover your share with a potential capital gain.

To carry out this crowdfunding campaign, we chose the crowdfunding platform Sowefund, one of the French leaders in this area. It allows French impact companies to raise funds from numerous individual investors who wish to take part in entrepreneurial adventures by becoming shareholders of companies they believe in.

We have set the minimum investment amount at 1000 euros.

Investing in a young company involves risks up to the total loss of the invested capital, as well as a risk of lack of liquidity at the end of the investment period. We advise you to register your investments on Sowefund as part of a process of diversifying your portfolio in order to mitigate these risks.

Absolutely. When registering on Sowefund, all you need to do is specify which company you represent.

Yes. Sowefund is a Participatory Investment Advisor (CIP) recognized by the Financial Markets Authority (AMF) and registered with ORIAS under number 14002811. (Professional Civil Liability AIG EUROPE RD 01394716I)

This campaign allows you to deduct 18% to 25% of your investment from your income tax. If you invest via a PEA or a PEA-PME, you do not benefit from tax exemption at the time of investment but your possible capital gain will be exempt from tax.